Reidt GmbH & Co KG

Experte für das Brechen, Klassieren und Vermahlen von glasartigen Rohstoffen


Glass ... a versatile auxiliary material

Glass-based grinding and grading products are deployed in various production processes in numerous different sectors.

In view of their abrasiveness the versatile possibilities of glass particles are used by the abrasives and polishing industries and the cosmetics sector. Applications in which slip resistance is required are also possible. 
» VitroBlast ®

Fewer filter bed incrustations, markedly reduced backflush times, savings on operating costs, higher filtration quality and lower material consumption constitute the advantages of glass granulates over filter sand.
» AquaClean ®

Particularly clear and clean glass qualities are required wherever optical effects play a role. Modern lighting and backlighting methods facilitate individual external and internal solutions. Areas of application include floor and wall coverings, architectural applications and surface decorations.
» OptiGrain ®

In the field of fire and explosion protection the special melting and particularly hygroscopic properties of glass come into play. 
» GranEX ®

The physical and reactive characteristics of the glass surfaces justify the deployment of glass granulates in resin-bonded systems, mould manufacturing, construction materials and paint and varnish production.

» Recofill ®

In ceramic products, in the fireproof industry and in the brick-making and construction materials industry, glass powder is utilized as a sintering aid, a functional pulp filler, in glazes and as an optic surface component.
» CeraMelt ®


Expanded glass, a refined product of glass powder, is used as a lightweight filler in many applications.
The construction and plastics industries use expanded glass as a sustainable filler, among other things because of its low density and the positive influence on the rheological properties of the end product.

The intense white colour, temperature resistance and compressive strength are other properties that enlarge the possible uses of expanded glass from Reidt.
» VitroPore ®


Numerous additional fields of application for glass-based ground products are known or conceivable.

We will gladly advise you. Please feel free to approach us. 
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